Lumberton, NC
- $2,166,777
- Farm , Investment
- Approximate Size (Acres): 510 +/- Acres
This farm has approximately 436 acres of tillable land along I-95, Hilly Branch Road and Covington Road. It is highly unusual to find this many high quality agricultural acres in one contiguous tract. The Singletary farm has always been one of the top producing row crop properties in this region. This would be a great addition for a local farm operators or a perfect startup for agribusiness operations coming into the region with easy access to I-95 and I-74.
Zoning: RA – Rural Agricultural
Tax ID #021101015 and #021101001
Location: Lumberton, NC
Directions: On I-95 just north of exit 10. 700 feet to I-74 and 3 miles to Lumberton